All these "notes" were copied and pasted
----- Original Message -----
From: Shannon
To: Nancy Matz
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: from NancyFw: Fw: "Createspace and Kindle..." and more
Hi nancy
Okay check this out
You said I would find a house in 2-3 weeks
We talked on march 5th . Today I bought a house
It's march 28 . That is 3 weeks!!! And you said the
House is beige or white! The house is beige with a white garage door
Congrats nancy you nailed it
Thank you again for the great prediction
It helped me relax until it actually happened
Blows my mind god is truly great and I feel blessed
Hugs , Shannon
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephine
To: Nancy Matz
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:12 AM
Subject: RE: testimonial
I was referred to Nancy Matz by my colleague for personal and professional life coaching after their personal experience with Nancy ten years ago. I had been avoiding seeking counseling from any source, traditional or “non-traditional”, it didn’t matter I wasn’t interested. I made the call to Nancy and I am glad that I did. Not only did Nancy answered my call, but she also took the time to educate me about her life purpose and dedication to helping others.
A savvy client knows an authentic medium. What Nancy gives her client is a gift given with the best intent. I leave that open for your interpretation. Nancy isn’t responsible to “read the future” or relay information and change our lives, rather she provides critical information to make informed decisions. These decisions are sometimes hardest to make because the answers lie within our subconscious.
Nancy, thank you very much for your dedication to your trade. Without your consultation, spiritual advisement, and care I would be lost. You have touched my life profoundly.
3-23-14 Dearest Nancy,
I just want to say thank you for the time I have spent with you in the past. It has given me great guidance in a very confusing time of my life and I so grateful. I spoke with you almost a year ago. During that talk you told me things about my ex-fiancee that I needed to know, told me about a man I would date, and told me about a man I would have a child with. Also you told me about my father having a minor heart attack.
I have, after a very long struggle, let go of the ex-fiancee, I think I am dating the man you said I would date (sounds familiar in description at least!), and, most-noticeably, had my father go in the hospital this past week with the "flu". I kept thinking, 'he may have a heart attack....This flu may bring it on. Nancy said "heart attack"'. I told my mom, 'please make sure that they watch his heart'. 2 days later it cones out that he DID indeed have a minor heart attack due to pneumonia and the flu AFTER I said that to my mom. I am relieved that it happened in good care and at the hospital. I am, of course, concerned that my father makes the proper changes he needs to make to stay on this plane for some time, but I am so grateful for the heads up. Thank you for the time I have had with you to help find the right road for my journey. I just want to say thank you so much.
XO, Elizabeth E, Chicago
Nancy has been so "spot on" with her insights for me. Last year we spent a lot of time on my concerns over health issues. She stressed for me that I was not to concern myself as despite the fact I'm in my late 60's I was very healthy and would be "kicking butt" for another 15-20 years. Subsequent to that I've had a couple of complete physicals and ( yea!) passed them with flying colors! People would not believe because of my age that my health testing is better than most younger woman 20 years younger! She mentioned specifically an eye issue which was not critical - indeed the eye doc had said I had the beginning of cataracts but not to worry for another 15 years or so.
She had said I'd find a "softer job" and I did find a part time job subsequent to the reading.
Most recently she did another reading and was able to "pickup" that someone I had known 23 years ago had recent thoughts of my "sense of humor" and my eyes. I've always been known for my dry wit (which Nancy would have no way of knowing) and people have always commented on my eyes. Nancy and I did a phone reading and she would have no way of knowing this either.
She's great! Had incredibly wise insights on life in general which were alone worth the reading.
Thank you Nancy!
Saundra, NYC
1-28-14 Hello Nancy,
My mom has a few readings with you a long time ago when you were over off hemlock in Carmichael area, and hasn't Had any readings in about 10 years or since you moved out of the area. And we were just telling someone about the amazing experiences she had with you and thought of the idea to try and look for you online. She is so happy I found you, I noticed you have a 916 area code phone number, are you back in the area? Do you do face to face readings or just over the phone? She would love to reconnect with you soon.
Sincerely, Chelsey L
8-2-13 Nancy
This is the person that you disscribed to my daughter when she was dating.
He ended up just as you said. He is wonderful with Tracy so far.
Short engagement hopefully long marriage.
Marie, Bakersfield CA
Dear Nancy....
I am so happy that your book is finally published. A few minutes ago, I finished reading it...and what a read it was! You are a great story teller...and you instinctively know how to keep the reader's attention... BRAVO!!
Again, congratulations....absolutely wonderful read....
Love, G P, Branson Missouri
Nancy nailed it again! She described my new house six months before I even went looking for it. There was no way I was getting a new house, and bam! A new house! She saw the color of the exterior even the pink bedroom inside! Nancy has always brought such peace and confidence to me in her readings. Her integrity and love for all people is as inspiring as her ability to see the future! I love this woman!
Kris W. New Resident
Cameron Park, California
Multiple Line Textbox 1 Hi Nancy! I saw you maybe 10 years ago? And I
> remember it so clearly. I lost the tape but I remember most of everything
> you said. You said, I was like a walnut! haha but at the time I did not
> believe what you told me. About 2 years later everything you said started
> happening over the next years. You said I'd get a job in Rancho Cordova
> and move towards Roseville. I never thought that would happen and it did
> like 7 years later. You said I'd meet someone of middle eastern descent
> and didn't believe you for a minute because i've never really dated
> outside my race (flipino) and now i'm married to him. You said he'd have
> a different name with and "s" and it does! But I wanted to thank you and I
> appreciate your care and advice when I saw you. You left me with a
> comforting hug that made me feel that everything will be okay after a
> major breakup. But I also wanted to know if you still lived in
> Sacramento? Let me know. Thanks! I'm interested in seei
> ng you again.
4-10-13 Hi Nancy:
Just thought you might want to know that you predicted I would get a job in the next
4 to 6 weeks from my reading about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Well, I was offered a job yesterday
and I start 4/22/13 full time. I cannot believe they hired me! I am just nervous about the
computer work because I am not a wiz on the computer. Hopefully, I will do OK and
they don't fire me. It is front desk receptionist as you said. I will call for another reading
in a few months or sooner to see what else is in my future.
Thank you and God Bless, Marianne
3-30-13 Nancy,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate the reading and this playback! The day of the recording my feelings were all over the place. I have gone back and listened a couple of times since then and wow what a difference a few days and weeks made! You are much appreciated!
9-14-12 Hi Nancy
My husband Robert had a phone reading with you a week ago. He was very unhappy with his job his boss was not paying him his complete salary. In the reading you said you saw him getting a new job and he will know about this by end of year.
He had interview today and he got a job as a contract inspector for Southern Calif Edison Company. He will start Nov 1. This will lead into working for Southern Calif Edison directly.
Nancy I hope this works out for him. He is such a hard worker. I just wanted you know this cuz you were right on. In the reading you said he was going to be contracted out. Who would of ever know this. He will be working in the Inland Empire and sometimes travel. You said his new job would be north east of us and it is. I will keep you updated on everything.
The below session was given to a young mother, I did a Past Life Reading on the child and
made statments that I believed he came back from a life in NY
as a stage performer who had died young.
9-6-12 Nancy,
Thank you for the session!! I found it very insightful!! I just did a search on recent comedians that died young and found Mitch Hedberg who died in 2005. He frequented the NY and East Coast circuit. He was 32 years old and died of a heart attack due to Drug Overdose. Our son was born in 2008. Funny thing is our son grabbed the mike that the kids were singing with at our friends house the other night and said "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen" - I was thinking where did that come from? He sounded like a seasoned stage person. The other thing that is interesting is that he said to us a couple of months ago when we put him in a time out "I am packing my bags and leaving!". He watches very little TV and I thought where the heck did that come from?! When you read Mitch Hedbergs Bio it states that that is what he did at age 17. He packed brown paper bags with his belongings and left home. I may be reading to much into this but you told me to search on line and I did. I could not find anything in writing regarding his being abused by his mom before though. We may never know who the mother was that was so mean to Luka. We are just grateful to have him and grateful that he is grateful to have us!!!
I am most grateful and humbled to have you as my guide, I truly and deeply love you.
Thank you for riding it all out, and your fucking awesome!! your a gift to humanity
:0) ok ill stop now , i send you a big hug - D e D - Boston MA
Sharon S
Sunday, 2/13/11, 9:02 PM
Hi, Nancy. I met you and had a reading from you when we both lived in California. I ran across the tape from that session the other day and was fascinated with how relevant it was. I think it set some of the foundation for where I am in my journey today. Marion D and I were trying to figure out what your contact information was today. She gave me a cell phone number for you that is a 916 number. Is that one still valid? Would you rather we use the 916 number on this web site to call you? I will try to locate readings information on your page. Until we talk..... Sincerely Sharon From: Dayton OH
Hi Nancy, thanks so much for shariing your "gift" with me the other day. I received the audio and listened to it on Tuesday morning at 2 am! I just finished your book this morning...WOW! What an awesome journey for you. I read your first book and I believe you had only been practicing your craft for 4 years, AMAZING! I will dive into the second this evening.
I can't tell you how much peace of mind I got from your reading. I had been tossing so many ideas around in my head and now I am so much more relaxed. I think intuitively I KNOW what is coming for me, but I can never pin down the timing, so I obsess on "things" and lose sleep over it and it's not worth it. Once again, the message for me is to "live in the moment!"! When will I learn?? :)
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful AZ weather today.
Talk soon,
R. C. Tucson AZ
Nancy, I had to write you and tell you. Remember that lady upstairs that you said I should contact today? She was very interested in my resume and said she was interviewing right now! That’s an amazing coincidence. You were so right. Wow, it’s really spooky when you do that.
So I’ve sent her my resume already. Maybe she’ll contact me again today. She is literally one floor up.
I’ll let you know what happens. B. N. WA
Thank you for the tape. I have listened to it several times. It gives me comfort.
I would like another reading in the next few weeks unless you feel nothing has changed.
L. H. Kentucky
Dear Nancy,
Tk u for your prompt reply and sorry for my late one! My computer and internet were both down and I'm writing to you now on a new netbook and with a new internet connection.
I think it was me you saw as I do wear tight fitting pants or leggings. And sometimes as I walk in the kitchen, I do feel as if she was still around and walking on my left!
And I do believe she won't wonder off as she never did when she was alive.
I have not had much opportunity to try the experiment as my house has been pretty noisy recently with some celebrations. I tried it only once and I think I got some impression of her though I'm not sure(it could be my imagination?).
And believe it or not, I was thinking of how it would be like to be a medium before you suggested it.
Best regards, Z. Z. China
Dear Nancy, Many years ago, I met you in your home in Sacramento. A friend had referred me to you ~ I had always wanted to have a reading. You were amazing ~ we had literally just met and I felt very at ease (I consider myself a very shy person). The things and details you mentioned were "spot on" and details only I knew and hadn't mentioned. All these years I kept your card...always feeling like some day I would really like to speak with you again..."some day" has come. I will have to come back to your web page after I figure out how to use PAYPAL and to select a date and time. I am SO GLAD that I found your web site...the card I have is from your Antelope, CA address and phone number. Warm regards, N. S., Sacramento CA
8-26-11 Hi Nancy,
Well you also said in the reading that I would be
working soon. Then you said that The L city would come up
in October and that is when you saw me moving. You're
right about the job thing...I'm so happy to have one!
Thanks for listening...your so cool! And I can't stop
grinning!!! S. R. Rocklin CA
"Congratulations - was it CBS who came to check out your psychic accuracy? Wow. Do share the details! Can't wait to see the show. I guess I'll have to book an appointment just to make time to chat..."
Karen Rothstein, Facebook entry 8-12-11
Hi Nancy, Thank you for getting back to me. I saw you the first time about 18 years ago back when you were doing group readings at the church I mentioned in Sacramento. A friend brought me to see you, You stopped a reading and said I had come in the room with very playful active cherubs around me and was causing your attention to be distracted. I then came to see you in your home office 4 or 5 times.......S. S. Sacramento CA
Facebook 8-5-11
Hi Nancy. I just listened to the talk show tonight, and wanted to let you know you were right on the money when it comes to my son. I'm the lady Starr was talking about in the small house with "stuff" going on, such as the shadow spirit. My son has been dabbling with Wicca for a couple years, and you mentioned fire......he is so fascinated with fire his screenname is pyro. I'm going to talk with him more in depth about all this, and I've also asked Starr if she will help me with that. Blake is highly intelligent, and intuitive like you said. He is the type who just HAS to figure things out. I'm also very gifted as you said you could tell.........and yes I do hide it from everyone. I'm just amazed at what you knew and am very intrigued. I'm so glad I listened to the show, and have your input about my sons dealings with this. Thank you.
Cindy S
4-27-11 Hi Nancy,
Yes, we have talked in the past, two times. Once, in person in Sacramento about 16 years ago and again about 10 or 11 years ago. You predicted, the first time, that I would be pregnant soon, and you were right. That turned out to be my son, Zach who is now 17 years old. You had also predicted that we would be living in the Chicago area and that's what happened!
Looking forward to Friday. Liz
3-14-11 Thank you Nancy
It is nice to know that people as yourself care and I do really appreciate it. Just to validate Nancy, San Diego has always been my dream place to live and I have a Grandfather Lloyd Skretteberg who was slim, darker hair (yes when he was younger), med complexion he had Spanish blood, so that would make sense, and he was med height and on the shorter side, and he HAS been in my mind lately, so you confirmed this. Thank you. I will be in touch and let you know how I am doing as time goes on. I can truly say that sometimes, with all going on that I feel like there is a curse on me but I really do not believe in curses. It just feels like it right now. I also feel like my channeling is stronger now too for some reason. When this is settled down and I am moved to place, Nancy . Thank you again, Love, Caren. Sacramento
Nancy, Hello,
This is so strange, my friend and I have been talking about making an apt with you. Were'nt really sure where you had gone. Anyhow, she found the paper (she keeps everything) and the date was 2/18/96 when we saw you in Sacramento area. You nailed both of our readings. So that was big sign for me to call. Earlier I left you a voice mail.
As i was looking over your page, i decided to email as well(a little excited). A couple things, yes, i would like to schedule a reading. ( I live in Antioch, Ca , so if your ever in the area, i would love to know.) and would like some information about Mediums. Please feel free to contact anytime. I look forward to talking to you again. Regards, -Nancy
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 6:54 AM
I met you back in 1995 after my dad had passed and through him you
helped to bring the love and laughter back into my heart. You helped guide
my path to find my Husband whom I am married to now by telling me to let go
of my relationships with the past men and to just turn around and see my
white haired man with whom I would love and laugh with for the rest of my
life. When I first met Tim I kept pushing him aside, telling him he was
in my way of finding my white haired man. He stood firm and told me that
even though he did not have white hair then, He was sure he was the white
haired man I was suppose to meet. He now has a full head of white hair
And Yes, all my days are filled with love and laughter.
I thank you for putting me in the right direction.
In April of 2009 my mother passed away and I didn't come to you for a
reading at that time because she was always so against my having readings
with you. She was positive that I was not communicating with my father. I
decided nothing would come of trying to hear from her. Months later
after receiving a notice of your Radio Talk Show, out of the blue, I decided
to tune into your show. You can imagine my shock when I sat here
listening to my mother, appearing before you, telling me to pick up the
phone and call in. I was so shocked I could barely talk. It was
wonderful to have her tell me it was true, that she and my dad were together
again and so very happy.
Recently I had a falling out with my daughter and I suddenly felt so
lost. I sat alone talking to my mother asking her to Please find a way to
let me know she was there for me. I needed her so badly. The very
next morning I received a phone call from you stating that I was on your
mind and you wanted to know if everything was alright. Goose bumps came
rushing up my neck as I realized that she had chosen you to go through again
to let me know that indeed she had heard me and was there for me with her
Nancy, Your Gift Is Amazing. Thank you, Thank you so much.
After last night’s show I went through tapes of sessions I had with you. I found the tape where I asked what would be the outcome of the relationship between Howard’s daughter Aly and John, her boyfriend whom she had been living with since she graduated high school.. You didn’t get anything about being married, but did get that she would have a child with him within two years. At that time she was twenty, had been living with him for two years. She just told us she is pregnant, and that she and John “don’t need a piece of paper” to verify their love. The piece of paper is meaningless. ( Funny, that paper is so important that we took a vote on people’s right to have it!). She will be twenty-two when the baby is born.
She purposely stopped birth control in the spring. I think this was a little premeditated, because the paper is more important to her, than it is him. And justly so, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Just thought l’d let you know you were right on again. But no surprise….
Karen C. Rothstein, MA Certified Clinical Hypnotist
Certified HypnoBirthing (TM) Educator
Author, Speaker, Trainer
Feb 06, 2008
I wanted to thank you for your support on my recent client case. As you verified through your remote viewing ability the client had a foreign energy field other than their own life force attached to the base of the neck and the shoulder area. The complaints of fatigue and pressure the client felt on the neck area started just about the time you were able to psychically identify that this energy attached itself to my client, who, as you indicated, was going through a tremendous amount of emotional stress during that time in their life.
In a nutshell, through hypnosis I regressed the client to the time of the initiating event and the client went right to the period within their life you had described to me over the telephone. Under hypnosis they were able to identify the incident that lead to the foreign energy attaching to their aura. Following the hypnotic protocols for releasing foreign entities we were able to release the attached energy. The results were immediate and physically evident in the way in which the client carried their body and for the first time in our association, smiled and joked.
This client “had tried every medical test available, including scans of the physical body” and doctors were unable to find any medical abnormality that would produce the pain being experienced. In fact, the client was told they were in peak condition for a person of their age. After the first session of hypnosis, the client reports that they feel 90% better than they have in five years. I suspect that when we complete the forgiveness work you indicated was needed to achieve the spiritual healing that this client will be considered to have a spontaneous cure by their physician. J.
Your abilities never cease to amaze me! Please know that you have helped to make a tremendous difference in the quality of life for yet another person.
Deep regards,
Karen Rothstein, Clinical Hypnotist, Citrus Heights, CA
----- Original Message -----
From: Darlena
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 9:31 PM
Subject: 8/25/08 - BlogTalk Show
This is Darlena from the chat room on your blogtalk show. Tonight was the first time I heard your show and I loved it. The show was interesting and the chat room folks were lovely. More than anything I wanted to thank you for the information you provided to me about my grandmother, "Nanny," and about my mom who's on hospice.
You said that my mother's grandmother who raised her (you thought) was waiting for her. You are dead-on in every aspect (no pun intended). My mother's birth was the result of my Nanny's 1st sexual experience, it was with a soldier who was on leave from Ft. Hood, TX. The soldier sweet talked & 'had his way' with my precious 15 yr. old grandmother and 10 months later my mom arrived. The soldier never knew about my mom. My great-grandmother took over raising my mother when my Nanny married a man who didn't want to raise another man's child. My mom always called her real mother by her first name and she called my great-grandmother "Mom."
When my great-grandmother eased into her final days, she promised my mom that she'd be waiting for her on the other side. Just as you told me she indicated to you. There's no way you could've know any of things you told me and quite frankly, I'm amazed.
Last week my mom told me that she'd been feeling "Big Nanny," the one she referred to as "Mom" and that she'd been missing "Little Nanny," the one you described as standing by me (my grandmother). I'm very much dreading my mom's passing but I know both my Nannys will be there to welcome her. I'm just trying to work on preparing myself to let my mom go when it's her time, it's especially hard because I'm an only-child. Thank you for your words tonight, they're truly meaningful.
Also, I wanted to tell you that I, too, am a telecommunications engineer! Small world, huh? I've been in telecom since 1984 (I'm 44 so that's pretty much my entire adult life). I'm currently working in insurance because telecom work is so hard to find in Texas but I hope to got back to it....I really miss the 'right-brain' aspect of the job. :-)
Much Love & Appreciation,
Hi Nancy. I had the opportunity to meet you and get a reading from you about two years ago in Fair Oaks at the Moth Hole. Your reading was 'right on' . Even some things that I was sure you were wrong about - came true. I am currently working in a building with large windows on the second floor, doing a job that I enjoy. Also, as you predicted,my ego was lifted by the positive feedback I got. What surprised me most was that the office space has windows on the second floor and that the area has many trees just as you saw. You said you saw me enjoying the location and I am actually enjoying the location. Your prediction took awhile to come true - but it did. I look back now and think WOW - I cannot believe that i would enjoy working in this location and that my daughters would figure prominently. My older daughter works downtown now and my best friend i! s working here also. I enjoy their company and the location is great for taking walks with them. - it makes up for the long commute that I hated so much.
You mentioned that you saw my younger daughter in science. She has gotten science olympiad awards and gotten a 5 on AP Biology exams. Nancy you are truly blessed with the sight. :)
I am now ready for another reading. I would also like to get a reading for my twin sister, who is having some difficulty right now. When will you be in Fair Oaks again? Maria
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
Hi Nancy,
Thank you so very much for your time! You pretty much nailed 'My Dave' on the head. I truly
love this man, and I can only hope and pray that he'll come for me eventually. It's really hard
to hang in there, but I have for over a year
I look forward to meeting you in person one day soon!
Nov. 20, 2007
Dear Nancy
We just came across you book in our library November 20, 2007. Wanda and I wanted to let you know that your vision and psychic gift from January 30, 1999 came true. We spoke with you at Barnes and Noble in Stockton January 30, 1999 and we also bought your book which you signed at the time Two Worlds: Developing Your Psychic Skills. Our question to you that night was: would we find the house we were looking for as we had been looking at properties for many months. Your vision was right on the money. You told us the house would a single story and gray in color and that the house would be a mile or two from where I now lived. It would be north-west of where I presently was living and that it would be in a well-established area and a good neighborhood. The price will be a little more than I had in mind. Also the house will also have some water damage.
Wanda and I often talk about your vision and just how accurate it was. I found the house. At the time I did not think I could afford it as it was higher than my budget would allow having just gone through a one sided divorce that favored my ex-wife. The house color was gray and in need of much repair but I was able to picture the end result. It took some convincing Wanda, as I asked her to overlook many of the obvious flaws and defects the house had. The house had its problems to the point no other people at the time made any offers on the house during the 3 month negotiation process between myself and the selling party. In retrospect it was the low end of the market which worked out to my advantage. I was very fortunate to buy the house below their asking price. In total, closing cost figured in it was still about $40,000 more than my original budgeted amount. We moved in November 1999. I was able to paint the house and do as much for it while I was preparing for my prostate cancer surgery in early December 1999. The surgery went well and Wanda and I got married on 2/22/2000.
I have been unemployed since December 2006. Starting in January 2007 myself and a helper remodeled the house and we just finished the front yard last week mid November. I tried very hard to stick to a budget but when dealing with a house built in 1960 and had never been touched the remodel exceeded my budget. We also totally redesigned the back yard and gave the front yard a face lift. We have had many positive comments on the house. Wanda a myself would like to thank you as we feel you made it all possible. I truly feel all the stars had to line up for me a recently divorced man at the time with little money to get the house in the first place. Today with out a doubt it is the best looking house in the area in my opinion.
Today looking back over the past nine years it was the opportunity of a life time.
Thanks again, and if you happen to be in the Stockton area in the near future, Wanda and I would like to talk with you.
Sincerely, Jack
Subject: Hi this is Melissa, we just talked!
Oh my gosh!! Thank you for one! I just needed to NOT feel crazy. I have been feeling nuts because I couldn't trust my own instincts. I know my Higer Power is talking to me but I just can't trust. I know for me today that I have to 'get better' when it comes to that type of insecurity issue. I want to do that for me so that I can take care of myself in my future relationships. I want to be good to me and stop hurting them.
I just hung up the phone and walked into the other room when I remembered what you had said the last time we had talked about a year or two ago. Like I had said in a previous email you had seen Todd way back then!! At the time you were telling me the guy I was 'drooling' over at my office wasn't it. However there was someone new coming but to watch out for the white haired guy. The white haired guy was Todd's father!!
Just now I remembered you had said back then too: there is an ex with a little girl. Or maybe a mother...someone he thinks about a lot. Someone he is having trouble with. Well, Todd's mother died in January of 07 and they were CLOSE!! And then there is Todd's ex and the daughter. I could go on and on and on about how right you are.
So I'm sticking with it. I am going to take care of me. Be open to the Universe, forgive him and be his friend and see what happens, attached to nothing open to everything I think Dyer said.
Thank you again. I do love that little soul that is him. is so big. And you show me there are many possibilities!!
Hi; Nancy;
Thank you for the time you spent answering my questions. You gave me new insight into my family, but knowing a little only makes more questions. I told Susan, Josh’s mother, about him having a woman sole in a mail body. It answered many life’s situations. You seen Gracy in a way we hadn’t seen and it really fits.
I read about your life, like many people in this dimension you got tough enough to take charge of your own life and become your true self, congratulations. I think that is why we are here, to find out whom we are, what we are good at, and what we not so good at. Of course, there is karma good and bad, it all makes for an interesting life.
I will keep you posted on how Bob does and well talk with you again. A new friend Martha
July 9, 2007
Hi Nancy!
I just got back from a trip that you described to me two years ago. Everything was like you said, even a jungle river tour that I specifically did NOT want to go on, and that I specifically did NOT book, and that I did everything to avoid. And I ended up going on it and seeing monkeys and crocodiles, just like you said! And it was a blast, just like you said!
Now, that means that two years ago you told me about the Scotland/Ireland trip I took last month, that I did not plan but that I "crashed" or invited myself to go on after my cousin had already booked it, and the Belize/Central America trip that my sister booked and wanted me to do, including the Jungle River tour that we did not book but ended up practically having to go on at the last minute after we arrived!
You have been 100% accurate on all my vacations that you've told me about so far. It's very remarkable.
xoxox "C" from Modesto
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:58 AM
Nancy, you are amazing! Your prediction was right on! You said that I would be offered a better job south east of the school that I currently am Principal. Yesterday, I was offered a job with ######## County Office of Education in charge of the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program which services over 20 school districts (an hour and half after I interviewed!). It's a much better job, with some overnight travel (which I love to do). In your prediction you indicated that I will stay there 3 1/2 years and then move on to something even better. I can't wait to see what unfolds!
I even visited my new office yesterday and you stated that it would be a white/beige office. Again, right on target. The walls are painted in an eggshell white color.
Again, thank you! by the way my health is great! God works in such wonderful ways. You mentioned during the reading that your birthday was April 30th. Happy belated birthday.Take care, Sue
Hi Nancy,
Wanted to share with you- In March I believe you E-mailed me when you found an old email and asked me about whether we sold a property we were trying to sell. Within the week of you emailing we did sell it. You had previously told me that we would sell in an M month either March or May and that you thought it was March. We did close in March. You were right on.
Thanks. Hope you are doing well!
That would be great! My best friend and I have been hoping to see you for a while, and we just recently discovered that you moved to Arizona and that you just happen to be coming to Sacramento the week I was planning to come. I thought it was so ironic! My 916 number is from my cell phone. I moved out of Sacramento last July, but I can't seem to let go of the number. But I was given the recommendation by my best friends mother Kathy or Kathern ####. She was referred to you by her friend Bonny #####. She said that you were the best she had been to and that everything you stated had come true. I know my best friend is planning on contacting you as well to get a reading so if you could squeeze both of us into your schedule, that would be fantastic. Thank you so much! Casey
I just wanted to thank you for the reading. It seemed as though you could feel a lot around me including my mother and her depression and lupus. Sometime soon I hope we can talk again because of course after the fact I think of the questions I would have liked to ask but that ok. I feel you really enjoy what you do and I know it touched my friend Marisa to hear about her mother. Thank you again. Teryn
FYI: I am creating my web site for my art, right now, and you had predicted probably 2 years ago, you saw a blonde woman helping me - a painter friend of mine, T#V## is just that description and person ! I am using IWeb - it is easy and I will be able to maintain myself. So, Nancy, once again what you saw was right on!!!!! Arm
I had to tell you that you had mentioned to Lisy a couple of nights ago that she needed to slow down and to not get out of bed so fast because you saw her breaking her arm and that it was in the dark when she did this. You thought it was because she maybe got out of bed too fast.
This morning she told me that she was standing on her bed replacing the light bulb last night in her room. The room was dark and the light bulb broke inside the socket. She reached over to crack the door open and she fell off the bed. She said that while she was falling she kept thinking that she needed to protect her arm. She was bruised up but it didn't break anything.
We laughed like little girls but it sure made a believer out of her. Take care -- millie
By the way, I don't know if I already told you this but in our last reading you told me that I would be doing public speaking and I said no. Not just no, but no way! I honestly thought you were absolutely wrong because I thought I would be in control of this ( I assumed it would be in my business that you meant I would do so). I regularly now find myself speaking in rooms full of people- scared to death. But nevertheless, you were absolutely correct. Kim
thanks. by the way, my friend did mention that I was in the "top 3" as you predicted. Happy New Year to you. Grace
I finally have a moment to write that testimonial... and funny enough I now have two!
The most difficult part about your readings is that you see clearly what isn't clear to us yet. So it often takes hindsight to know what you meant -- that's what has happened to me.
A few years ago, you said that I would be working about five blocks from the Capitol building and my new boss would be short and have dark hair. You said it would be a couple years before it would happen. When I joined a new company a couple years later, it wasn't located there so I didn't think about it again. And then one day in a meeting, my new boss made a comment about the location of the office he used to lease, which was the exact building you had referred to. In addition, he is short and has dark hair! Our work styles were much different and I have moved on from that job, which brings me to my next point.
You also told me that I would eventually move on to something new. You thought I would be working for myself or for a much smaller organization. All that you could see is that I wouldn't have as many people under my supervision and it looked like I had more control over my work schedule. You also thought it would be somewhere in my neighborhood. None of it made since because my neighborhood doesn't have a lot of commerce. However, you were also adamant that my job would be focused on helping the business gain more recognition in the community. It turns out that the business was within a mile of my home and I only have one staff person under my supervision, and it is a part-time schedule that has worked out for my family! In addition, my job is focused on community recognition.
Pretty amazing stuff Nancy. The tough part is that I never specifically know what you're seeing, the fun part has been watching it play out -- but most importantly, you give me hope and sometimes direction.
All my best! - "H"
Nancy, It's been a few weeks since we've spoken but I wanted to reach out and drop you an email
A couple of readings ago, you mentioned that you saw 2 children around my brother and me. My brother does have a baby girl, Avery, who is the apple of my eye.
I was at their house over the weekend and they informed me that they are pregnant and expecting another baby in June. I was flabbergasted, excited, etc and wanted to reach out to you and tell you YOU WERE RIGHT!
Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving....looking forward to talking with you soon. Much love, Sheren
Nancy, Just wanted to say thanks for calling me the other day. I found it very interesting and helpful. I'm enjoying becoming aware of my 6th sense and learning to listen to the signs. That's why I called you, something told me to. I don't yet have a lot of outlets to talk to or about this stuff yet, that is why it is so meaningful to me.
A couple of neat things have happened since I talked to you:
Thanks again for talking and listening, Michael
I saw you in Roseville about 3 years ago, & again about 18 months after that. EVERYTHING you said came true, even things that seemed unlikely at the time. However, I have just about decided to give up on the possibility of ever having a mutual romantic relationship...and if that's what's meant to be, it's OK. Lots of people go through life happy and single (Mother Teresa for instance). I think that's what I really want to know...will I EVER, in this life, have a relationship with someone I really love, who loves me back? SO...should I accept that I'll never find love, and focus on other areas of my life? Or will someone come along...and when? I'm 47. Thanks! ---KATE
11-8-2006 Hi Nancy,
I received yesterday the tape and the book. I already heard my tape on my way to work and I have been reading your book like there is no tomorrow. I am sure I am going to read it more than once. It is very interesting to me and very honest. It talks about things that my mother and I believe. I will be talking to you again in the near future. Ari
Hi Nancy, It is your newest friend, "N". I am joking, but you seem to be someone so easy to talk to. You seem more like a counselor/old friend. I really wanted to say thank you, for talking to me when I've called. I enjoy your insight to my situations.
I will talk to you later. Have a great day. Nita
Hi Nancy, Thank you for the reading yesterday. It was both a lot to digest and wonderfully reaffirming.
All my best, Erica
Dear Nancy, Thanks so much for the reading last Sunday & sending me the "Funk" bunk! Ironically, my Moms maiden name is "Funk"! How funny.
Anyway we talked about the last reading we had about 1998. You said you saw me having a baby and that my mother-in-law wouldn't live to see the baby. Well it all came true! Florentine did die about two months after I conceived. You also said that you saw her being a "guide or protector" around my daughter.
You are welcome to use my true name. My daughter's name is Angela. Roberta
Hi Nancy, came by today and said we will all get together soon. I am really looking forward to meeting you! When I got your letter it was as though I knew you. Like a letter from a long lost friend. It is going to be my pleasure to see you!
Dear Nancy, I phoned you recently to ask about my friend's lost dog. That is exactly where we were (at a gem faire) in late February when her dog got lost. So you were "trailing" us if you pardon the pun.
Meanwhile, the great news is that the dog was found after four days and four nights of running in the wilderness ("having the time of her life" as you put it). Jenean said to tell you that your information was indeed helpful and accurate: she was near water and an overpass or however you described it to Jenean.
C. of Sacramento
Dear Nancy,
I phoned you recently to ask about my friend's lost dog. I noticed in your schedule that as we speak (here in early March) you have just done a session at the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara. That is exactly where we were (at a gem faire) in late February when her dog got lost. So you were "trailing" us if you pardon the pun.
Meanwhile, the great news is that the dog was found after four days and four nights of running in the wilderness ("having the time of her life" as you put it). Jean said to tell you that your information was indeed helpful and accurate: she was near water and an overpass or however you described it to Jean.
Best wishes always, Charlene
05-05-06 Dear Nancy,
You did a phone reading on Feb. 4, 1998 for me. Everything you said came true. Now I am at a crossroads and would like to know that since you have moved if you still give phone readings and what the cost is.
Thank you, Sue
I am Lucy and was told magnificent things about you. I read your web page and it sounds to me like you know where you are supposed to be in life. I would like a consultation with you if at all possible. I would like to know a price range? Is it possible to call you? Or do I have to visit you in person. You will see too that I have had a very interesting, fulfilling life. You can email me or call me at ----. Thanks. Lucy
Nancy has helped me through the worst of times in order for me to get to the best of times. When I haven't seen things clearly - it's like she shines a flashlight through my soul to help me make it through fog. I met Nancy almost 10 years ago when a friend of mine referred me to her because I had been the victim of a crime.........a crime that changed who I was inside...........or at least I thought it did. Nancy helped me get through it, when no one else could. She told me what my future held...........even saying that eventually I would be moving to Florida (which I never had any intention of doing)...but here I am now. Nancy is very detailed and she tells it like it is, which I'm very glad of. She has seen and known things about me, that there was no way she could have known. Nancy always tells me though that our future isn't set in stone; that we have 'free will' and choices........but you know, sometimes its good to know what's coming at us, to make better choices, and many times this is what Nancy has done for giving me a "heads up" so to say. Thank you Nancy for everything.
Your Friend Always! Lexi, Tampa, FL
Hi Nancy,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We would not have survived this terrible ordeal without your help. Initially, we were horrified this kid (Joshua) would never show up or end-up in the hospital or dead. Knowing he was OK, kept us going. He was technically lost from Friday 5PM to Monday 10PM. His parents flew in around 10 AM on Monday. I wish I could tell you what really happened, but we do not know and may never know.
I talked to the parents briefly to tell them that according to you, he had gotten lost because he had decided to go on an adventure. That later they would realize this and that it was important not to overreact by not letting him go anywhere because he might runaway at 17.
Lilly and Al, Germany
Dear Nancy,
You did a phone reading on Feb. 4, 1998 for me. Everything you said came true. Now I am at a crossroads and would like to know that since you have moved if you still give phone readings and what the cost is.
Thank you, Sue G. Sacramento, CA
I am going to Phoenix - actually Mesa- on May 6-8 to visit my two
daughters. You said you saw me going that way, but I didn't have any
plans to go when you told me that. So, once again, you are correct!!!!!
Hope all is well.
Hi Nancy,
I am wondering if you do single individual life readings/consultations and, if so, what are your fees? I wanted to contact you several years ago for a reading, but I was told by spirit "not yet". I am at a self-created cross-roads and feel that a reading with/from you would be helpful to me at this time. Now that I have the green light (on my end), I find it interesting that you are no longer in Sacramento!! (I live in Loomis). However, I read your website information and agree with much of the philosophy found there.
My contacting you at this point is following my own spirit guidance and I am open to the result(s) of the inquiry...whatever that happens to be. The title below reflects my day job. I am also a healer (certified in a variety of modalities) and an ---------------------------. . I am turning 50 years old this Thursday and aligning my vision for the next 50 years as I gather information to maximize my soul growth and soul expression.
My home e-mail is [email protected], so a reply to either location is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
With Heart, "D"
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 5:42 PM
Subject: Hey Nancy!!
Hi Nancy!! Your website is wonderful. I wanted to let you know, you were great on the radio last night. I am so glad your LIGHT IS ON-- you are turning on lights in many people with your words. It has been a pleasure to see you grow, and you certainly are an amazing woman. You give us all hope that our dreams can come true, and I thank you for sharing your life with us all. You are an inspiration, a truly wonderful soul, and I am thankful I had the chance to know you up close and personal. Thanks for helping us all by sharing your courage, your laughter and wonderful talent and skills. Many lives have been blessed by you, and many many more will continue to be. Take good care. With warmth, Linda Schooler
Citrus Height, CA
Nancy, I wanted to thank you for my reading on Sunday. Though the answers you gave me were not what I wanted to hear. They are confirmation of things said recently. The information you gave me has helped me stay grounded and calms for the first time for so long. I might not have thank you, but I want you to know now that I've thought of our session it is exactly what I needed to hear.
So, thank you again July S., California
11-7-2004 Hi Nancy!!
Oh my goodness! First of all I want to say many thanks and it mean lots to me when you reply back to me. I opened your email and read it and it sure give me Goosebumps over my body and start to get my eyes wet and tear rolling on my cheek and it just hit me. I can't explain that wow!! I will be appreciate if you give me your guide or suggest where to start first so I can take things step by step so that way I won't be overwhelming smile. I sure am very exciting to learn more about myself and what I can do for myself. I sure forward to hear from you soon and hopefully we can go from there. I have some stories that I will be happy to share with you but I am not sure if you will have time cause I know and I am sure you get tons emails from others. Smile!
Forward to hear from you sooner again! From Donna N,
I don't know how to thank you for your kind and simple words. I believe I ran into you for a reason. I had just got of a relationship which I now consider to have not been good for me. You made me realize how much I was trying to live in the past. I need to get on with my life and your words gave me that strength. God knows how much I needed this. I feel as if a weight was taken off my chest!
Thank you! Marissa
Hi, Nancy I just wanted you to know that once again your stubbornness paid off for me. I had met a man that I really liked and we had a minor disagreement that ended with him shutting me out. According to you he was going through a rough time of self discovery and had become frightened by the speed of our relationship and had withdrawn. You told me to be patient not one of my virtues. He would again contact me in three weeks. Three weeks was a very long time to me and I thought if he hadn't contacted me in two weeks that he had moved on.
Well, you were right. you told me not to call him and to leave him alone. Three weeks to the day he responded via e-mail.
You and I talked that I had to be strong and realize that it was about him. And it turns out it was. Though I must say that these three weeks I have been working on myself too. I am reading Don Miguel Ruizs book, The Mastery of Love and have learned a lot about myself.
Thanks Nancy. Will be in touch gain soon.
Regards, Susan S., Sacramento, CA
Dear Nancy
It was such a delight to meet and talk with you on November 2nd at the Creative Awareness Center (CA). You are such a gifted woman. Thank you for touching my life in many ways, and inspiring me to transform and develop my life.
Margaret C., Sacramento CA
Dear Nancy,
I would like to thank you for the reading you gave me on Wednesday.
You have an extraordinary gift, a sharp and wonderfully lucid vision of inner reality. My pain still prevents me from understanding what all this turmoil means. But, you have allowed me to focus on the real problem and a healthy perspective on Marvins (and my) problems.
Your warmth, your generous help, your great sensitivity to our humanness is truly exceptional. Thank you for making living a little more meaningful, worthwhile and richer.
Anik G., Sacramento CA
Dear Nancy
I've been meaning to send this off ever since our meeting in November. You mentioned you saw a man in my current sphere who would become very close to me, who liked to fish. You described a wood paneled room with a fireplace. Two or so days after that reading, I walked into the home of a friend who was going through a divorce. Not only was the living room the room you described, but a massive fishing pole was lying across the bed I've been very fond of him and although he has a girlfriend in France we have continued to become closer friends.
You are most gifted and I do appreciate your help so much.
Kathy F., Carpinteria, CA
Hello Nancy, after our session today, I listened to the tape in my automobile. I had forgotten that you talked about my sons concern to start shaving and sore toes and that he wasn't sure how to trim his toe nails. WELL! Tonight I caught my son cutting his toe nails in the front room and complaining one of his toes was hurting him!!!
Everything else that you said, when you were reading me, my business associates and my family was totally on the mark. You are truly a blessing and I look forward to another session again with you soon. I will refer you; you are the genuine article. Thank you, Yourena H., Elk Grove, CA
Hello Nancy
Wanted to tell you all is going according to your insights. You are truly amazing. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Ill be in touch, Darlene F., Bay Area, CA
Hi Nancy, I went to a psychic fair in Concord in 1994. You were there. I bought your book and we spoke for a while. Actually, we talked before I knew you were a key speaker. I pulled the book out today and am reading it again. You signed it Margaret, I see beautiful faces and bows tying you to both worlds. Allow your gifts to continue developing. Love Nancy. I just hoped you had a site, typed your name and here you are! Thank you for being such a giving person. Glad I found your web site. Margaret, Concord, CA
Nancy, several years ago I had several sessions with you. I wanted to write you and to confirm something you told me. At one of my readings you said that my father, who had passed, wanted me to tell my brother (in the worst way) that he was studying World War II. Well, I did tell my brother only to find out that my brother had developed a very recent, obsessive interest in WWll!!
Amazing to think that communication and proof is given to us in such a wonderful way.
Thanks, Maureen D., Placerville, CA
Hi Nancy WOW, when you gave my reading last month you were so focused on our daughter regarding another baby. Well, you were right again. She didn't even know it, thought she had the flu or something. She wasn't planning to have another baby for about a year. Baby due in December. Remember, I mentioned that everything you've ever seen has happened and you jested oh great, no pressure! Best Regards, Kevin F., Sacramento, CA
Hi Nancy I wanted to drop you a line to let you know another thing you said has come true. In May when "R" met with you, you told her that she would have intestine problems that felt like her gallbladder. Well, today she had gallbladder surgery. She experienced severe pain about a week ago and after an ultrasound, they saw she had gallstones.
You are truly amazing...
I really appreciate your gift and you have helped me a lot.
Deb, Orangevale, CA
So enjoyed our conversation - very enlightening - I think the man with a kind face is my Grandpa - I was very close to him - he died when I was about 10 - I loved him very much - anyway - I'm glad I have so many looking after me - I know why now I have always felt so protected. I've thought of a few other questions but will save them for a later time. Anxious to get your book and continue on my own growth pattern - my sense is that the rest of my life will be extremely interesting and exciting!!!
Talk to you again soon, Love and a big thank you hug-Susan
I attended your cemetery tour last year in October with a girlfriend who had Pancreatic Cancer. She and I did not tell you that she desperately wanted you to choose her to feel a spirit. In about 200 hundred people there, at a spot you told a Spirit to stand still, you chose my friend to feel it. You grabbed her hand to feel the air and then placed her hand inside the essence of that Spirit. I almost started crying, my friends face lit up. We left the tour in awe, she died six weeks later. This was a life changing event and she died knowing life continues. Amazing she was meant to experience that and we did not prompt you. Thank you again on my friends behalf. And God bless.Margaret. Sacramento
I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the cemetery tour on Saturday. My favorite part was at the end when you were talking about life and embracing it. I've going through such a hard time lately and I wanted you to know that I felt inspired by listening to you speak. Thanks again and keep up the great work! Take Care.
It's Julie, I met with you on Saturday Oct 5, I was the VERY late one. Well, what can I say I believe my visit with you has started me on path who's course is already set. The book I am supposed to write came to me as a vision, an inspiration. I was driving in the car and I saw the book, the whole thing, everything, start to finish. I knew it then and I know it now it's inside of me. I have put many of your ideas to work. I have started my character mapping and doing a timeline for the main characters and pretty much when I'm done with that all I will have to do is add some 'and, but, ors', and the book will be done. I feel like there is some much of a story to tell that I could do it in 3 books but I'm not sure if that's because I am feeling a bit over zealous about my recent inspiration.
And, believe it or not (no pun intended) my daughter and I jokingly talked about a screen play the other might and I think it has potential. Ah, and yes, a Disney type movie.......hmmmmmm!
Take care, God Bless! Julie
Nancy, thank you for sitting with me yesterday afternoon at the Fair, your reading was a first for me. I needed clarity and received it; as to whether Marty and I will stay together or not. After yesterday, I wont give up on him, but I will recognize that if we cant get ourselves healed that as you said I need to say and believe, not in this lifetime, but the next Thank you for letting me take my faith back, because I felt Id misplaced it somewhere.
Danalee L., CA
I want to thank you again for your inspiring lecture/reading. I did as you suggested, although I wasn't sure of the impact it might have; i.e. I created a website for some of my writing. I want to thank you for your inspiration and guide to living my life more fully. I realize that I have been too complacent about living, not taking risks or challenge myself enough. I appreciate you. - Larry P
Just a note to let you know how you did with my reading. I believe it was in June or July of this year at a Healing Fair. You saw me working in the medical field handling contracts of some sort, in a brick building off the freeway. At the time I didn't remember that I had applied at Kaiser Roseville which is just off the freeway and is a red brick building. The job I got was through an agency and I was surprised (even though I knew it was coming) when they called and asked if I would like to work temporarily at Sutter General. I work whenever there is a backlog, procurements and contracts you spoke of are purchase orders. The office I am in is just as you described it. A small room with one long vertical window. Though the building I am in isn't brick, I look out my window at a red brick building and a lot of light does come through. You were right on the money! I'm a firm believer that there are no accidents and know that what seemed a random choice meeting, at the Fair, really wasn't.
Hello its me Millie from Kentucky
I wanted to let you know how right you were about the job situation that I had. I did accept an offer with the new company and I report directly to the Program Manager as opposed to the lady that I had reservation about working for.
Additionally, I had indicated to you a male individual here who made women feel very uncomfortable. You had indicated that he would have a couple of EEO complaints made. He was actually terminated from employment yesterday due to EEO complaints!
Thanks for your help and support. Your words help me tremendously. God has truly given you a gift. Millie
On the Money!
You did a reading a bit back. You had told me that there was a white haired woman and a spit of a woman there to receive my dad in passing. You also said that there was a man there whom by description I could not identify well mystery solved.
The white haired woman was my mom- alive and well and present as my dad passed.
The spit of a woman was my nona Elisabette (very spiritual lady) who was about 4'9".
The man? WellI went to see my Mom a few weeks ago. I had shared with her that Nona Elisabetta had come to me before dad died. She said that's funny dads dear departed friend, Lamson, visited her before dad died. He fits the description Nancy!
As for the guys coming to me to break down barriers very close. Again wow! Seeing a muscle manbreakin down a barrier or two cant resist. Looking forward the package man you described!
Thanks, Elizabeth N., CA
Update! Hi Nancy A while back Barbara and I were there when I was toying with the idea of retiring You told me not to. You said something else was coming up and I would be looking at a staff job (which I wanted). Guess what!!! The job opened up, I put in for it, and I got the job. No more pay, but I think it will be much more interesting than being someone's boss.
Congratulations to you for hitting it on the head again! Congratulations to me for listening!
Betty P., Citrus Heights, CA
My name is Keith; my wife's name is Denise. The last time we talked it was at your house about October of 1998. I just listened to the taping of that session recently and I cant believe how accurate you were in what we discussed. I know its been a long time, but I had to email you to say, Thank You and God Bless You. It was a time in my life when I was just laid off from my job, and had issues with our children. Right now, we are again through some very tough times!!! But knowing that we are being taken care of by God and our Angels. I feel very blessed. You helped me to see the other side, our life issues; if we are being tested it is ok, because we are growing so close to God. Once again, Thank you and God Bless.
Best Regards, Keith, Rocklin, CA
Dear Nancy
A few weeks ago I had asked you about a friend whom I felt sure had died. After 20+ years, head stopped all correspondence and phone calls. Hed been battling cancer for about 8 years and was depressed the last time we talked. You said you didn't feel he was dead. Last week I heard from his son who responded to a letter Id written him January. Dad had become a reclusive. He suggested I try calling again. I just thought you'd appreciate knowing you were right. But, you probably already knew that!
Also, when I met you at Borders Bookstore, Id asked about another friend with heart disease. You said he wasn't going to die, but he would have another hospitalization. The next week he was in the hospital for the day for examination and tests. Hed gone through several bad weeks after that but recently is feeling much better and the pain has gone.
Thank you very much, Cheryl
Hi. Merl thought you were right on the money with all that you told me... You mentioned that I may have had some trauma around the age of 12 or 22. My brother was put into a military academy about that time. Very hard on the family. Also, my mother has been in and out of mental hospitals.
You also told me about a spirit named Erna. You said she was a childhood friend. After asking my mom I found out Erna was my mothers nearest and dearest childhood friend. She looked like your description. She was also an equestrian like me.
My other spirit which seems to be my paternal grandfather was an engineer and inventor. He patented a four-wheel drive to be used in trucks.
Look forward to connecting again, Julia OBCalifornia
Listening on the radio
Just wanted you to know I was listening to the Monica and Carlos show this week from my office on Friday. I got big kick out of listening to you on the radio. I tried to call in, but too many other calls. You sounded great! It warmed my heart. You go girl!
Take care, Shannon, Rocklin, CA
Hi. Merl thought you were right on the money with all that you told me... You mentioned that I may have had some trauma around the age of 12 or 22. My brother was put into a military academy about that time. Very hard on the family. Also, my mother has been in and out of mental hospitals.
You also told me about a spirit named Erna. You said she was a childhood friend. After asking my mom I found out Erna was my mothers nearest and dearest childhood friend. She looked like your description. She was also an equestrian like me.
My other spirit which seems to be my paternal grandfather was an engineer and inventor. He patented a four-wheel drive to be used in trucks.
Look forward to connecting again, Julia OBCalifornia
Re: Your Terrific Book
Dear Nancy, I just wanted to drop you a quick note and say how much I'm enjoying your book, which I purchased on Saturday! You've got some theory's in there that I always wanted to know about, such as the diagram of how you get info in future time. Most of the books on the market raise more questions than they answer, or they promise to reveal information that they later claim is too secret to give out. Yeah right! So my hats off to you for PROVIDING ME WITH A WEALTH OF very GOOD information!
Do you ever travel to New York? Id love to attend one of your workshops or speaking engagements.
All the best, Caroline Q., New York City, NY
Nancy I just wanted to say that I think you are wonderful! I plan on attending your September East/West Talk. I've seen you a couple of times and you're just too great! You've given me a new look at some things and I look forward to seeing you again. I hope you'll also be at the Evolving Times Expo this year. You read for my partner last year and she went out and dyed her hair RED...I think you said something about making herself stand out.
Too Great!! Walk in Light AKA Lisa, Sacramento, CA
My son and daughter-in-law will be expecting their 4th baby the first few days of November. A couple of years ago you mentioned my father wants to come back and wants to come into that family. You mentioned it might happen with their 4th child. They have 3 girls now. They live in Alabama. My father was also born in November but in 1897, exactly 100 years ago from this anticipated child's birth. (A male was born also the same hair color as Dad red). Virginia B., Palo Cedro, California
5-6-97 Interesting Letter about a murder...
I received the tape from our last conversation. It was a good session and yes in fact my daughter had seen the flashes of light that we spoke about. You stated that her female guardian angel has a ring of fairies with her and that is what the flashes are. My daughter doesn't see them often, but she does see them.
I am enclosing the article about the two men I spoke to you about a couple of years ago. I had asked you about their whereabouts and if in fact if they were still alive. You stated that they were robbed and murdered near a body of water. You felt that were shot and in fact they were.
You have also been accurate on several other things. One was a promotion that you predicted for Penny, my soon to be new manager. You told her Christmas time of 1996 that she was going to get a promotion. You also told Penny things about her daughter that only her and her daughter could have known. This absolutely scared the daylights out of her.
You told me about the man that I was going to meet and marry someday. When I met Dan and he fit the description to a tee. It was rather scary when I met him, because I knew that he was the one that you were talking about. We had our bumps along the way, but we got married 4-22-95 in Las Vegas. We are still currently married and are doing very well.
You also saw that Grandmother was going to pass on in less than 5 years. She passed way 7-14-96 caused by a heart condition which you also were able to tell me. You told me that my Grandfather would not be long to follow after her death. Then in 4/97 he had been diagnosed with cancer and it is so far progressed that it is questionable if he will last the year.
I asked you about the type of work that my brother would be doing out of college, and you gave me a description of the type of uniform he would be wearing and the work that he would be doing right down to the tee. He got a position with the Arizona Dept. of Corrections and wore the tan uniform that you described and even got the promotion that you spoke about.
You have been quite an insight into the future and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gift with me. Much happiness and success in the future. Kindest Regards, Dawn
Russell Johnson sent the following letter and gave me "expressed, written permission, to share this letter with others". Thank you Russell!
Dear Nancy
Thank you for your help last year. I came to you with a problem. I had lost my job at Mare Island Shipyard. My efforts to find another job had not gone well. I still had no offers after a year, I was physically and spiritually exhausted.
You foresaw that my new job was coming very soon, that it would come from the East; and not too far from the one I lost. You "saw" automobiles" not as an electrician as I had been at the last job. You told me to get solid about myself, that it was coming.
Well, here is what happened next.. I went home and read your book, Two Worlds. On page 66, the words practically jumped from the pages...
"To succeed in this life one must seek one's opportunities. One must hustle. Now I tell my clients that for my predictions to succeed, they have to go after it".
The next day, I walk into the placement center at work and changed my area of job search for the Federal job placement. I told them that I only wanted to concentrate on jobs to the East and within California.
My career counselor was dumfounded. "Why there's nothing out there, Russell, he shrieked. I insisted. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I guess you just don't want to work anymore, then". Grimly, he shook his head and I departed.
October and November I re-wrote and submitted my SF 171 over a hundred times. Drove to all the various Federal agencies, looking for any opportunity.
Then the day before Thanksgiving, I received an offer from a job from the Sharpe Depot in Lathrup (near Stockton). It was a place I had never heard of...
It was exactly 70 miles away to the East! Just like you said. Unbelievably, I work in warehousing and I distribute all kinds of products for automobiles!
Since I always hated working on cars and got a "D" in auto shop, I found your prediction way out of whack at the time; but, the whole job came together beautifully!
Nancy, that first day that I got into a truck at my new job I waved to the heavens above for acknowledged your prediction for me!
Thanks for Seeing when I needed someone to See for me.
Sincerely, Russell Johnson
I wish to express my deepest appreciate for your generosity, kindness, energy and concern in helping me deal the break up with my girlfriend Judith. I had been experiencing grief with her decision to end the relationship. I was struck by what a caring, thoughtful person you are.
Yours, Douglas B., - CA
Nancy, just wanted to let you know when we talked in January at the Fair, you told me that my daughter, who has no contact with me was pregnant. Well, she called my sister a couple of days ago and she expecting twins any day now!!!!
Beverly G., Sacramento, CA
California State University, Sacramento 8-10-1995
To: Reverend Matz
I would like to thank you for guest lecturing in my class this spring, The response from the students was enthusiastic, and from their comments for weeks after had a long last impact.
Without professionals like you bringing the realities of life to the classroom, my work would be very difficult. Your gracious response to spend time and energy in my classes is greatly appreciated.
Dr. Carol Stensrud, RTR, CTRS
Professor, Coordinator of Therapeutic Recreation Option - (I addressed her class on three separate times)
December 11, 1995
Louise J. War..., Attorney At Law, Shingle Springs, CA
Dear Nancy,
The title, "Two Worlds: Developing Your Psychic Skills," and the picture on the cover prompted me to purchase your book. Reading it was a real adventure. I was hooked almost immediately and by page 8, I had tears in my eyes. I am recovering from cancer and made a prayer similar to yours.
Please let me know when the next book is published. Again, I really enjoyed reading your book.
Keep up the good work,
Very truly yours, Louise J. War...